Revolutionise Your Finance Operations with Artiwise

We lead the way in revolutionising the finance industry through our advanced AI Document Intelligence integrated into our platform. Artiwise is designed with automated document processing, document parsing, and ınformation and text extraction capabilities to enhance operational efficiency.

Trusted by Leading Banks

Compliant with

Transform with Artiwise for Increased Operational Efficiency and Employee Experience

Discover the Power of AI Document Intelligence

Speed and Efficiency

AI reduce process times by up to 50x, with up to 96% of incoming documents progressing automatically. This translates to faster turnaround times and improved productivity.

Enhanced Staff Efficiency

With Artiwise, you can decrease personnel requirements and achieve 90% operational efficiency. Our technology allows staff to focus on more strategic tasks, improving overall productivity.

Significant Cost Reduction

Automating document-related processes leads to substantial cost savings, as the need for manual intervention is minimized, and resources are utilized more effectively.

Reduced Error Rates

Artiwise's OCR and AI capabilities ensure a decrease in error rates, with tasks being completed flawlessly. This minimizes the risk of costly mistakes and enhances the reliability of operations.

Financial Liability Avoidance

By automating processes, Artiwise platform helps avoid financial liabilities, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of penalties.

Balanced Workload Distribution

AI within the Artiwise platform enables the automatic generation of response letters, resulting in an even distribution of workloads and preventing employee burnout.

Standardized Operations

Artiwise platform establishes a standardized approach to operations, ensuring consistency and improving the quality of outputs.

High Accessibility and Reliability

AI-driven processes within the Artiwise platform are highly accessible and operate uninterrupted, providing reliable support to financial operations.

Improve Efficiency and Agility with Artiwise

Artiwise has enabled countless banks to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and automate manual tasks with industry-specific and customizable solutions.

  • Up to

    50% Decrease in Operational Costs

  • Up to

    70% Improvement in Operational Efficiency

  • Up to

    %90 Decrease in Workforce Requirement

  • Up to

    98% Automation in Application Flows

Use Cases

Automation of
Foreclosure Notifications

Automation of
Payment Orders

Document Routing

Define Customer Satisfaction in the Banking & Financial Services Industry with Artiwise's AI-Powered Features

Sentiment Analysis

Customer Insights





Frequently Asked Questions

What is Artiwise Platform and its impact on enhancing customer satisfaction in banks and financial services?

Artiwise is a voice of the customer platform that transforms how banks and financial services handle customer expectations by processing large volumes of feedback. It enhances customer experience by capturing, analysing, and gaining insights from feedback received through various channels. For more information, we invite you to visit our Platform Overview page.

How does Artiwise Platform tackle the challenges faced by banks in managing customer feedback?

By integrating with your customer support systems and utilising speech-to-text and text analytics, Artiwise effectively processes real-time transcriptions of customer calls and online feedback. This aids banks in pinpointing key sentiments and issues from customer interactions, addressing specific banking sector challenges in a meaningful context.

What outcomes can banks expect from implementing Artiwise Platform?

Artiwise significantly improves the customer journey in the financial industry by providing deep insights from a range of touchpoints, including initial engagement, account setup, regular transactions, customer service interactions, and feedback management. With Artiwise’s support you lead a more tailored, efficient, and satisfying customer journey, enhancing customer loyalty and trust – without losing focus on the most prominent journey steps.

How does the Artiwise Platform enhance the understanding of their customer's needs and experiences?

Banks leveraging Artiwise Platform gain deeper customer insights and emotional tones behind advanced analytics, including natural language processing and sentiment analysis. The platform interprets the feedback to understand the emotions and attitudes of customers towards products, services, or overall brand experiences. This leads to improved service delivery, product enhancements, quicker issue resolution, and increased customer satisfaction.

In what ways does Artiwise Platform drive operational efficiency and strategic decision-making in the banking sector?

Artiwise Platform enhances operational efficiency by automating feedback analysis, reducing staff workload, and providing actionable insights for prioritising key areas. This contributes to more strategic decision-making and fosters a continuous improvement loop within banking operations.

How does Artiwise Platform optimise customer representative performance and training in financial services?

Through two-way conversation analysis, Artiwise Platform assesses customer representative performance, measuring metrics like first call resolution, dead air time and customer satisfaction. This data is crucial for targeted coaching, training, and recognising areas needing improvement or excellence.

How does Artiwise Platform ensure data security and compliance in handling sensitive financial customer feedback?

Artiwise implements robust data security measures to protect sensitive customer information, fully compliant with GDPR and ISO27001 standards. These measures include advanced encryption methods and secure data storage practices. By adhering to global data protection regulations, Artiwise ensures the confidentiality and integrity of customer data. The ISO27001 certification highlights their commitment to information security management, while GDPR compliance ensures the responsible handling of personal data in alignment with EU privacy laws.

Ready to automate your finance operations with Artiwise VoC?

Let's meet to discuss how Artiwise can transform your banking and finance operations with its automated document processing capabilities.